This is after Amu saw Dia and the embryo..Ran and the others asked her about her wish and this is what Suu said..Hehe lol
This is what Ran said..Amu wants that Shirt..
Amu saw them together and though that they were dating
Yuu angry..
Who's this..I forgot
Amu shouldn't have ask
After AMu asked about Gozen..This is how it happens
Yuu:Actually*looks kinda real*We dont even know*smiling*
Sorry,iwas lazy..eheheh..This is Kukai's fault..baka
Embryo showed up after Amu purified the X-eggs..But she didnt get it cause a missile was launch..Ikuto didnt get it too
Tadase Amu is safe
Rima Smiled
KAIRI!!!!Sorry this was at the end..